Unveiling of Our Redesigned National Team Crest
WAILUKU, MAUI — In keeping with its commitment to honor the rich heritage of the Hawaiian Islands, Hawaiian Football proudly announces a redesign to its National Team Crest. The updated Crest continues to draw inspiration from the historic Coat of Arms unveiled during the Hawaiian Legislative Assembly in May 1845.
The National Banner adopted by the Hawaiian Legislature featured eight stripes, symbolizing the unity of the eight islands under one sovereign. In this new design, the Crest has been updated to better reflect this symbolic representation.
Central to the Crest, and in the first quarter, are the royal standards of ancient Hawaiian chiefs—the Pūlo‘ulo‘u, Puela, and Ālia—elements historically adopted by the Legislature to represent the refuge and protection offered by the Hawaiian monarch. The Union Jack, displayed vertically in the second quarter, serves as a reminder of Great Britain’s role as Hawai‘i’s Protectorate from 1794 to 1843. This relationship formally ended with the recognition of Hawaiian independence by the United Kingdom and France in 1843.
“We believe these updates further align the National Team Crest with the profound history and vibrant identity of Hawai‘i as we represent our State in football competitions worldwide.”
A key revision to the Crest is the inclusion of eight stripes at its base, an enhancement from the previous four, which better represents the heritage and origins of the Kingdom’s national symbols. The colors of the Crest remain true to the traditional feathered cloaks (‘ahu ‘ula) and helmets (mahiole) worn by the chiefs of ancient Hawai‘i, continuing to embody the enduring strength and cultural legacy of the Hawaiian National Team.
Established on the island of Maui in 1975, the Hawaiian Football Federation is a grassroots nonprofit organization dedicated to representing the Hawaiian Kingdom on the global football stage. We form National Teams not only to showcase some of the brightest Hawaiian Football talent, but we also take on the crucial task of educating our players, families, and supporters on the national history and culture of the Hawaiian nation-state. We are steadfast in our commitment to sharing our core values of aloha, aloha ‘āina (love of country), and aloha kānaka (love of humankind) with the international community, which is yearning for its embrace, through the universal language of football. At the core of our vision and mission lie the unifying and humanitarian values inherent to global football. Through these principles, we are rebuilding Hawaiian national character and identity by representing 21st-century symbols of Hawaiian national pride.