King’s Hawaiian Football Festival: A Celebration of Kānaka-Māori Football and Culture
WAILUKU, MAUI — The Hawaiian Football Federation is thrilled to announce the inaugural installment of the King’s Hawaiian Football Festival, set to take place from July 7-19, 2024, in Hilo, Hawai‘i. This landmark event is made possible through the generous support of Hilo native, Mark Taira, Chief Executive Officer of King’s Hawaiian.
Hosted in partnership with the University of Hawai‘i — Hilo, the King’s Hawaiian Football Festival will feature Nā ‘Ālapa Hawai‘i 20 Nā Kāne and Nā Wāhine (U20 Hawaiian National Teams) competing against the indigenous men’s and women’s teams of Māori Football Aotearoa. In addition to the international matches, the event will include intercultural education and exchange at Te Mauri o Ana Piko‘u (Kānaka-Māori Identity) Symposium at Hale‘ōlelo, College of Hawaiian Language, at UH Hilo.
This partnership will see the football festival named in honor of Hilo’s own, Robert R. Taira, the founder of King’s Hawaiian. The winner of the Kānaka-Māori tournament will be awarded the prestigious King’s Hawaiian Football Award.
Hui Kanaka Pōwāwae (the Hawaiian Football Federation) is committed to fostering the well-being of Native Hawaiians through football, promoting national identity and pride. Through international events like the King’s Hawaiian Football Festival, Hawaiian Football aims to build a solid community of supporters; garner international attention, awareness, and support; and engage with the international community, by sharing our values—with a world in dire need of aloha—embodied through aloha ‘āina (love of country, love for Hawai‘i) and aloha kānaka (love for humanity, love for Hawaiians).